It's all spinning wheels and self-doubt until the first pot of coffee.

XoxoOutliner shows some signs of life

Remember when I started writing about XoxoOutliner around 8 months ago? Yeah, lots has happened with life in general between then and now - but lately I've been working on code for it again. As you might see from my Trac timeline, I've got lots of new code checked in. And I mean lots.

If I can keep up this bout of serial enthusiasm for the project, you'll be hearing lots more about it soon.

For now, check out the new static README.html and the live demo. It's extremely bugful, but it might do interesting things for Firefox and Safari users.

Archived Comments

  • Wow!

    This thing is such an improvement. I love that the README is an outline.

    I think this is really powerful. I think an outliner should eliminate the need for a lot of rich text browser editors. Outlines inherently break text into small little chunks, which are stylable (and potentially URL addressable, for block-level comments). I think this thing would rock in a wiki.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Bravo! This is a great set of updates and works well in Safari (haven't had the time yet to test in Firefox.)

    I've been thinking about using some portion of these tools in my wiki software to dress up outlines. I'm not sure yet... sometimes I feel like editing an outline (well a simple one I'd use on a wiki at least) is quicker manually with something like Markdown.

  • Rad!

    Keep this up and I won't have to finish mine. :-)