This is XoxoOutliner, a web-based outliner built on microformats, AJAX, and REST
Someday, this file should become a more effective tutorial.
But, at present, it's really just a placeholder.
For what it's worth, there's some help over on the right.
XoxoOutliner offers browser-based outline editing by way of DOM scripting
Outlines are loaded and saved via a REST API implemented in PHP
The native format for outlines is XHTML
In particular, following XOXO microformat is one of XoxoOutliner's goals.
Coming soon...
Lots and lots of bugfixes!
Implement more kinds of outline items
Richer HTML formatting
Implement fetching of outline data in a variety of formats
Plain Text
Implement fetching and updating of sub-outlines
By text / regex matching
By outline structure addressing
By xpath
Implement transclusion / inclusion between outlines.
Subnodes should be includable between outlines.
Perhaps a way to facilitate collaborative outlining.
Implement bookmarklets and external facilities for inserting/appending items to outlines from remote.
Capture and collect text clippings from sites
Capture and collect microformat items found on remote sites