It's all spinning wheels and self-doubt until the first pot of coffee.

Publishing Quick Links in blosxom with del.icio.us via xmlstarlet

In case anyone is interested in using del.icio.us with blosxom in place of my own BookmarkBlogger, get yourself a copy of xmlstarlet and check out this shell script:

You could do this with XSLT, but hacking with a REST-ish & XML producing web service entirely in a shell script seemed oddly appealing to me that week. Extending this sort of thing to blogging systems other than blosxom is left as an exercise to the reader.

Update: Hmm, looks like one of the blosxom plugins I'm using hates the variables in my code above. So I stuck curly braces in, which seem to get through okay.


Archived Comments

  • It's probably the interpolate_conditional or interpolate_fancy plugin - it tends to dislike entries that contain dollar symbols. I've wrestled with it in the past, but now I don't bother - I just use $ to represent $ instead.
  • Hi, Cute script. I changed the last line like this to remove the file if it has got no links: if test `cat ${FN} |wc -c` = 18; then rm ${FN}; else touch -d "${DATE} 23:59" ${FN}; fi