It's all spinning wheels and self-doubt until the first pot of coffee.

Just upgraded to MT 2.0

Let's see if anything breaks. The textareas in ?OmniWeb are suckily thin, will have to fix that in the templates. Trying out the disabling of line break conversion:

From Radio UserLand's Outliner @ 4/5/02; 12:35:49 AM

  • Wiki
    • Why do I like wiki?
    •   <ul>
        <li>An interface which steps out of one's way is a productive interface</li>
        <li>Dead simple markup for humans</li>
        <li>Dead simple collaboration &amp; versioning</li>
        <li>Dead simple, almost automated document structure</li>

    • ...and Cocoon
    •   <ul>
        <li>Seems like a natural.  Transform from human-oriented markup shorthand to an intermediate XML format and run from there with the transformations.</li>

    • ...and Python
    •   <ul>
        <li>MoinMoin seems to have a bit of a primitive pipeline going on with formatter classes.</li>

    • ...and ?DocBook
    •   <ul>
        <li>We want to collaborate on book authoring at work.</li>

    • ... and OPML
    •   <ul>
        <li>Maybe along with Cocoon, make <a href="http://www.decafbad.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/OPML">OPML</a> one of the serializations, with hierarchy determined by a sections/headings analgous to HTML's H1-H4 and <span style='background : #FFFFCE;'><a href="http://www.decafbad.com/twiki/bin/edit/Main/DocBook?topicparent=Main.FilterData"><b>?</b></a><font color="#0000FF">DocBook</font></span>'s sect1-sect4</li>
