It's all spinning wheels and self-doubt until the first pot of coffee.

From My Instant Outline @ 4/7/02; 8:58:55 PM

  • 4/6/02; 6:51:52 PM by LMO -- Outline diffs and Jabber?
  • 4/6/02; 4:58:40 PM by LMO -- Comments in my buddy list
    • So I hope this doesn't break anything.
    • I did a "Get Info" on a few of my buddies in my list, and edited the author line to add some parenthetical comments. Just a note on why I'm interested in this buddy's outline.
    • It seems to work without a problem, and the note appears when next the buddy updates his or her outline.
    • Seems like this needs a more accessible UI. Like... how about allowing me to edit the names right in my buddy list?
  • 4/6/02; 4:55:12 PM by LMO -- Auto-archiving script?
    • Just got around to splitting off the last week or so's archives into separate files. There's got to be a better way. I wonder how hard it would be to make a script that does it nightly, or at least with a high degree of automation after being pointed at a branch of my outline?
